How Firm Boundaries & Gentle Foot Massages Help This Acupuncturist Sleep Deeply
Our sleep series, The Wind Down, provides a minute-by-minute peek into the wind-down routines that get well-being experts ready for bed. Today, we're relaxing with acupuncturist and Hima Acupuncture founder Snow Xia, L.Ac., who ends every day with a foot massage...
New York Award Program Honors the Achievement of Hima Acupuncture in the Business Hall of Fame 2019-2022
NEW YORK February 22, 2022 -- Hima Acupuncture is among a very small group of companies that have won the New York Award for four consecutive years. This distinction has qualified Hima Acupuncture for the 2022 New York Business Hall of Fame. Each year, the New York Award Program identifies local companies that enhance the positive image of small businesses through service to their customers and community. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.
5 Traditional Chinese Medicine Tips To Get You Through The Coldest Months
According to the 5-Element Theory in Chinese medicine (TCM), winter is associated with the water element. Water is a symbol of wisdom, fluidity, and femininity (or yin energy), making this season the perfect time to rest and reflect, go with the flow, and develop your inner wisdom. Then, once springtime approaches, you'll be ready to sow the seeds of growth and expansion.
Give It A Rest
Snow has been interviewed by the top business magazine for integrative health professionals - on the importance of sleep, and how acucpuncture can help improve sleep. Snow said that besides getting regular acupuncture and taking prescribed herbal supplements, other useful tips for improving sleep include a warm foot bath before bed, which she said has the ability to drain active energy from the head as well as acupressure on the point...
We chatted with acupuncturist Snow Xia, owner of Hima Acupuncture in NYC, to learn more about the role of nutrition in mental health, brain-gut axis, and ways we can improve our physical and mental wellbeing at the same time.
Specialist Spotlight: Snow Xia, Hima Acupuncture on Women's Health
One major issue in women’s healthcare is the lack of education. Women usually do not know they have other options besides surgery and hormone therapies. There needs to be more education on holistic treatment options out there before opting for more invasive procedures.
New York Award Program Honors the Achievement of Hima Acupuncture in the Business Hall of Fame 2019-2021
NEW YORK June 7, 2021 -- Hima Acupuncture has been selected for the 2021 New York Award in the Acupuncture Clinic category by the New York Award Program. The practice has been inducted into the Business Hall of Fame for being selected for this award for 3 consecutive years.
A Brooklyn Acupuncturist’s Favorite Gut-Healing Recipe
Congee or rice porridge has been a popular Asian dish for hundreds of years. Congee is the chicken noodle soup of the East. It is the number one gut-healing food and has many health benefits.
An Acupuncturist's Favorite Immune-Supporting Tonic For Winter
TCM teaches the importance of living in rhythm with nature and in harmony with the seasons. The stillness and quiet of winter make it a prime time for reflection and rest. As the animal kingdom hibernates to conserve energy once the temperature dips and longer nights begin, we, too, should use this season as an opportunity to slow down, sleep in, and nurture our bodies and souls.
How Acupuncture Can Help You Cultivate Mental Resilience
Let’s be honest, 2020 has dealt a big blow to our mental health. A CDC survey in late June this year has found that 41% of US adults are struggling with mental or behavioral health conditions, and increased substance abuse.
This year has sorely challenged our mental resilience, and the upcoming winter might be the darkest hour before dawn.
Many people are familiar with wellness buzzwords like chi and meridians, but what really is the concept behind traditional Chinese medicine? Here, we'll cover the history and foundation of this age-old approach to medicine and discuss a few ways to incorporate it into your modern life.
Acupressure Mats: What They Are & How To Use Them
People who suffer from back or neck pain will do a lot of things to find relief—including, it seems, lie on a bed of nails. Covered in tiny, sharp plastic pressure points, acupressure mats are an increasingly popular (albeit somewhat painful) tool for soothing muscle pain and promoting relaxation, like a good massage or acupressure session would.
DIY Summer Face Mask Recipes, Inspired By Traditional Chinese Medicine
For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners have treated various skin concerns using herbs. In the summertime, cooling herbs can be complexion saviors and help keep skin hydrated after sun exposure. Here are two soothing TCM herbal mask recipes to whip up this season using ingredients you might already have in your fridge.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) five-element theory, summer is ruled by the fire element. The season's long days are all about vitality, passion, expansion, joy, and movement. The sun is shining, trees are lush, and people tend to be more energized. It's a very yang time of year, defined by masculine and active energy.
Not everyone enjoys the summer season and the heat it brings. According to TCM, one's reaction to it largely depends on their body's constitution...
A 4-Point Acupressure Routine To Strengthen Lung Health & Immunity
While there is a lot we still don't know about COVID-19, it does seem to be spread by respiratory droplets and cause symptoms in the upper and/or lower respiratory. This means that one of the best ways we can protect ourselves from the virus (in addition to practicing social distancing and wearing a mask) is to take care of our lung health and immunity.
What we can learn about lung health and immunity from traditional Chinese medicine...
Snow Xia L.Ac. on Acupuncture and Treating Cramps, PCOS and Other Imbalances
47% of the adult female population experience hormonal imbalance. We exist to provide knowledge, share stories, and contribute information. We dive deep with some of the world's experts on hormonal health. Our aim is to provide you with practical solutions for your everyday life.
We had the opportunity to interview acupunturist Snow Xia about her work with acupuncture and the benefits for hormonal imbalance. Below is the full interview with Snow.
Hima Acupuncture has been selected for the 2020 New York Award by the New York Award Program
Each year, the New York Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community.
3 Ways to Holistically Ease our Quarantine Envy
Envy and jealousy have a bad name. They are seemingly toxic emotions we feel ashamed to admit. This is why quarantine envy is rarely talked about in the current climate.
Quarantine envy is a negative state of mind specific to this pandemic. It happens when we perceive our situation as worse than others due to a lack of circumstances or things.
Just two months of sheltering in place, and we have become covetous, envious, and resigned.
At-home TCM Tips to Boost Immunity
Most of us are anxious about our financial, emotional, and physical well-being in this global pandemic. COVID19 has changed life as we know it. While some friends are frustrated with the overwhelming challenges of WFH; others are unable to work, and wrestling to maintain a sense of purpose.
Hima Acupuncture has been recognized as one of the best acupuncture practices in New York City
The goal of Expertise is to connect people with the best local experts. Just in New York City alone, 1,793 acupuncturists were scored on more than 25 variables across five categories based on Reputation, Credibility, Experience, Availability and Professionalism. Hima Acupuncture is recognized as one of the top 22 practices serving New York City in 2019.
5 Questions With Acupuncturist Snow Xia
On this week’s edition of #TheDoctorIsIn, we had the pleasure of chatting with acupuncturist Snow Xia, founder of Hima Acupuncture in the Flatiron District, NoMad, NYC.
Easy Plant-based Recipes to Soothe Your Busy Mind
You’re so used to the chatter of your busy mind that headaches, poor sleep and low energy are your everyday normal. To you, it’s nothing to be alarmed about, and doesn’t need solving. But if you’re like my clients, you might be curious if someone says “There’s a way out”. And it doesn’t need to be about popping pharmaceutical tic-tac or counting sheep. Instead, here’s some easy and beautiful plant-based magick to incorporate into your lifestyle.